Saftronics GP5 VFDs

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VFDs marketed by Saftronics, but are actually rebranded Yaskawa GPD 506/P5 drives.


InverterWin is capable of communicating with the VFD over RS-232. A Yaskawa UWR00103-1 cable adapts a DB9 cable to the Hirose header that the interface panel normally mates with.

Yaskawa InverterWin REV 3.0 User's Manual (TM.IW.01)

InverterWin 3.0 Single File Install - Yaskawa (InverterWin connects via a Yaskawa UWR00103-1 RS-232 adapter cable)

Yaskawa PC to Drive Connection Cable UWR00468-2 and UWR00103-1 Wiring Diagram (WD.DW.05, 05/23/2011)

Modbus control

VFD parameters

  • Page 41 of the Saftronics PDF also lists all the VFD parameters.
  • Page 128 (A1-1 in the PDF) of the Yaskawa manual lists all the VFD parameters.
  • Page 16 (5-1 in the PDF) of the RTU manual explains the Modbus specific parameters.
No. Value Description
n002 5: Op Terminal / Ref Serial com Operation mode select
n103 0: time over detection disabled MODBUS time over detection
n104 3: continue operation (alarm) MODBUS stop method at communication error
n105 0: 0.1Hz MODBUS frequency reference unit
n106 1 MODBUS slave address
n107 2: 9,600 baud MODBUS BPS selection
n108 1: even parity MODBUS parity selection

NOTE: the numbering of some parameters above n100 seem to be slightly shifted between different revisions of the VFD firmware. A physical Saftronics GP5/FP5 Series Instruction Manual (PN 027-2005, Rev 1195, 1995) differs from the "027-2005F" that can be found online.

Modbus registers

  • Page 35 (7-2 in the PDF) of the RTU manual lists the "Simulatenous Broadcast" (write only) registers.
  • Page 36 (7-3 in the PDF) of the RTU manual lists the "Command" (read/write) registers.
  • Page 37 (7-4 in the PDF) of the RTU manual lists the "Monitor" (read only) registers.
  • Page 41 (7-8 in the PDF) of the RTU manual lists the "Drive Parameter" (read/write) registers.
  • Page 53 (7-20 in the PDF) of the RTU manual lists the "Special" (read/write) registers.
Address Hex Parameter No. Description
Command registers (read/write) for broadcasts, first two are Simultaneous broadcast registers (write-only)
Monitor registers (read-only)
Parameters (the max parameter is supposed to be n116...)


There is an open source utility that can speak Modbus over a serial port (or USB to serial) that has an RS-485 adapter attached. It's called mbpoll:

mbpoll commands to interact with the VFD:

# trigger external fault
./mbpoll /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 9600 -s 1 -P even -a 1 -W -0 -r 1 -t 4:int16 -- 4

# fault reset
./mbpoll /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 9600 -s 1 -P even -a 1 -W -0 -r 1 -t 4:int16 -- 8

# stop
./mbpoll /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 9600 -s 1 -P even -a 1 -W -0 -r 1 -t 4:int16 -- 0

# set forward run
./mbpoll /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 9600 -s 1 -P even -a 1 -W -0 -r 1 -t 4:int16 -- 1

# set reverse run
./mbpoll /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 9600 -s 1 -P even -a 1 -W -0 -r 1 -t 4:int16 -- 3

# set the output frequency (Hz*10, 1003 means 100.3Hz)
./mbpoll /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 9600 -s 1 -P even -a 1 -W -0 -r 2 -t 4:int16 -- 1000

# monitor status
./mbpoll /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 9600 -s 1 -P even -a 1 -0 -r 0x20

# monitor drive fault
./mbpoll /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 9600 -s 1 -P even -a 1 -0 -r 0x21

# monitor frequency command (Hz*10, 1003 means 100.3Hz)
./mbpoll /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 9600 -s 1 -P even -a 1 -0 -r 0x23

# monitor current output (amps * 10, 53 means 5.3A)
./mbpoll /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 9600 -s 1 -P even -a 1 -0 -r 0x27

# monitor current output (volts)
./mbpoll /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 9600 -s 1 -P even -a 1 -0 -r 0x28

Online Resources

Saftronics FP5/GP5 Series User's Manual (DEAD)

Saftronics FP5/GP5 Series User's Manual (Wayback Machine)

Yaskawa GPD 506/P5 Technical Manual (TM4506)

Yaskawa GPD 506 / Modbus RTU Technical Manual (TM.4026)

Yaskawa GPD 506 / Modbus RTU Technical Manual (alternate, must complete captcha)

Yaskawa GPD 506/P5 and GPD 515/G5 Unit Troubleshooting Manual Section Three: Fault Codes & Appendix (PP.P5G5.03.Troubleshoot, Rev. 06/11/2003)

Yaskawa Varispeed-616PC5/P5 Option Card RS-232C/485 Interface Card SI-K2/P Instructions (TOE-C736-40.15)