Fanuc Alpha Series AC Servo Motors

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Fanuc "red cap" servos that typically use proprietary serially interfaced (RS-422) high resolution encoders. Some of them are absolute with battery backup, and some are "incremental". I believe both of them have some level of absolute resolution (10-bit?) per turn for commutation purposes (these motors have no hall sensors).


In the "65142E/04" manual:

Pages 122-140 (109-127 in the PDF) show the specifications for different models.

Model Numbers

In the "65142E/04" manual:

Pages 119-121 (106-108 in the PDF) detail the model number scheme.

Wiring Diagram

In the "65142E/04" manual:

Pages 157-159 (144-146 in the PDF) show the power connector wiring.

Page 116 (101 in the PDF) shows the cooling fan wiring (applicable models).

Page 85 (70 in the PDF) shows the encoder's 17-pin circular connector wiring.

In the "65162E/03" manual:

Page 265 (245 in the PDF) shows the serial encoder's 20-pin Mini-D connector pinout for "Type A" and "Type B" interface servo amplifiers. NOTE: different amplifiers have different pinouts, but may still use the 20-pin connector. Double check the pinout applies to that model!

TODO: find out where the details of the wiring from the 17-pin connector to the encoder's internal 14-pin connector are documented.

Name 14-pin 17-pin 20-pin
SD 8 A 1
*SD 10 D 2
REQ 7 F 5
*REQ 9 G 6
+5V 14,13 J,K 18,20
0V 3,4 N,T 12,14
shield H
+6VA 12 R 7
0VA 5 S 16

Page 102 (87 in the PDF) is a section detailing the connector and cable part numbers.

Replacement Parts

4-pin circular connector

Motor side receptacle:

DigiKey Part H123645-ND.jpg Hirose H/MS3102A18-10P-D-T1(73)

Cable side plug:

DigiKey Part 97-3108B-18-10S-ND.jpg Amphenol 97-3108B-18-10S

17-pin circular connector

Motor side receptacle:

DigiKey Part H123646-ND.jpg Hirose H/MS3102A20-29P(73)

DigiKey Part 97-3102A-20-29P-ND.jpg Amphenol 97-3102A-20-29P

Cable side plug:

DigiKey Part 97-3108B-20-29S-ND.jpg Amphenol 97-3108B-20-29S


Page 81-85 (66-70 in the PDF) have information about the two types of built-in encoders, the absolute "A64" and the incremental "I64".

The "I64" encoder's Fanuc part number seems to be "A860-0365-V501", or "A860-0365-T101" when bundled with the external circular connector to internal rectangular connector cable.

The external round jack to internal rectangular plug cable assembly's part number when bought individually is "A860-0360-V906". It's half made up of the above mentioned Hirose H/MS3102A20-29P(73) receptacle, the rectangular connector plug is yet to be identified.

Possible encoder cover part numbers: "A290-0511-X053" or "A290-0511-X054".

Online Resources

Alpha Series AC Servo Motor Descriptions Manual GFZ-65142E/04 (February 2001)

Alpha Series AC Servo Motor Descriptions Manual GFZ-65142E/02 (March 1995)